ATL’s Director participated in the conference of the RILA and the CCI in Nizhny Novgorod
On July, 7 the conference “Cooperation of transport and logistics companies on the basis of the logistics platform of the Volga region” took place in Nizhny Novgorod. The event organizers were the “Russian intermodal logistics association” and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Among 48 participants was Andrey Smirnov, the General director of the “Agency of customs logistics” (the member of ACEX Alliance). The conference program included reports of Anatoly Dobrody, the Head of the ASMAP branch in the Volga region, Sergey Masyagin, the Chairman of the Supply Chain Professionals Council in Nizhny Novgorod, Alexey Alekhin, the Director of the “Agency of regions development”. The speakers informed the attendants about opportunities of investment projects support. In addition Alexander Lisin, the CEO of the RILA emphasized the potential of the Volga region in the logistics industry which may provide the basis for future regional logistics platform in the interests of the professional players of the logistics market of the region. The participants learned about joint experience of ACEX Alliance and the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Russia on creation and operation of the Airfreight TransLogistics Platform which can be considered as an example of the professional dialogue development on a unified platform. Within the course of the project sessions the experts in the field of international cooperation, customs logistics and foreign economic activity, multimodal transportations, truck deliveries and warehouse logistics demonstrated that the modern condition of the transport and logistics infrastructure of the Volga region would have a significant development prospect on the unified regional platform. The conference participants spoke in favor of local transport companies and distribution of their experience in the supply chain management of the industrial enterprises of Nizhny Novgorod. The business cases, as the examples of opinion exchange, were presented by the following logistics companies: “Eltrans+”, “Continent”, “Svetlana-K”, “Borger” and Gorkov territorial center for corporate transport maintenance of RZD. The participants expressed the opinion that the cooperation of transport and logistics companies can be promoted by formation of the logistics platform of the Volga region as a format of efficient cooperation of regional companies. After the conference the Head of the “Agency of customs logistics” took part in the regular General meeting of the “Russian intermodal logistics association” with which ACEX Alliance have an agreement of mutual cooperation. Details at http://www.acexgroup.net/en/partners/russia/1097/ ACEX Alliance Press Center pr@acex.net www.acexgroup.net
Контактное лицо: Elena Baranova
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 11:59, 30.07.2016
Количество просмотров: 713
Страна: Россия
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