Secure File Sharing With Digital Rights Management
Secure File Sharing With Digital Rights Management
Download SecureAgent tool with this link: http://www.easefilter.com/download/SecureAgentSetup.exe
Protecting data in storage and transit is no longer enough. The ability to share content with employees, partners and customers using Web-based applications on intranets, extranets and the Internet requires that protection travel with documents. Sharing digital content for business collaboration -- such as merger and acquisition plans, employee data or documents outlining the next product line -- requires the kind of granular and flexible control that only DRM can offer.
Digital rights management(DRM)
DRM are various access control technologies that are used to control, secure and track senstive information. It not only protects and controls electronically distributed data, but also is a flexible enterprise solution that can lessen security breaches.In addition to protected internal and external workflow, DRM may become the technology that drives the selling and leasing of electronic content, from videos and music to newsletters and e-books. Health care organizations and financial institutions may turn to DRM to meet the stringent data protection regulations imposed by legislation, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA).
AssureFiles secure file sharing solution
Encrypt every file with an unique 256-bits key, store the file access policies in a central server, share the encrypted files with fully control. You can grant, revoke or expire the file access at any time, even after the file has been shared. You can add or remove the authorized users, processes and computers at any time. Your application can seamless access the encrypted file without any change. The AssureFiles secure agent is integrated with the encryption filter driver, it can decrypt the file in memory trasparently if your application is authorized to access the file.
Safeguard file sharing without boundaries
Organizations have struggled with secure file sharing for years, data breaches are reported almost every day where sensitive information has been stolen, mishandled, or used for fraudulent purposes. Organizations need a new approach to keep their most sensitive assets secure throughout the global enterprise.
AssureFiles Secure File Sharing combines AES 256 bit encryption with digital rights management to give businesses persistent control over all stages of its life, enables employees to share files with anyone, via any method, without compromising business data or risking liability from data loss.
Dynamically control file access
AssureFiles Secure File Sharing solution helps organizations prevent data breaches caused by internal and external threats by enhancing access control to critical business applications and data. AssureFiles integrates DRM policy with leading enterprise and cloud applications to provide access control.
Контактное лицо: Victor Rich
Компания: EaseFilter Inc.
Добавлен: 14:45, 30.03.2017
Количество просмотров: 495
Страна: США
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