ACEX Experts Provide the South-East Asia and Middle East with Dolce Vita
In the beginning of November the airfreight department of ACEX Moscow shipped a new popular Russian dessert – souffle honey, traditional Russian chocolate sweets and a worldwide bestseller – black caviar. Vladimir Tsyntsar “4,5 tons of sweets were shipped to Vietnam,” Evgeniy Rastopchin, a lead expert of business development department who found the customer says. “It is not the first shipping that we organize for our customer and we hope it Is not the last ton of sweets that will bring sweet joy to the people of Vietnam”.
Vladimir Tsyntsar, an expert of airfreight department continued the trend and shipped around two tons of honey manufactured by a Russian company to Dubai. “The cargo didn’t require any special temperature regime and the project was without any difficulties since the customer was interested in the export and presented all of the documents fast,” Vladimir says.
We can’t say it was the same with the next delicious cargo. It was required to ship 15 kilos of sturgeon caviar to Japan. The project was urgent and it required special temperature conditions.
“We found the direct flight and organized a quick delivery,” YUriy Orlov, an expert of airfreight department of ACEX Group says. “The batch was for a store in Tokyo. I’d like to note that the customer contacted us by the recommendation of the other customer that we successfully worked with”.
We wish our colleagues and partners new “sweet” customers.
Details at: https://acex.net/en/press_center/2683/
30, Kommunalny proezd, Khimki, 141400, Russia
Контактное лицо: ACEX Press center
Компания: ACEX
Добавлен: 19:21, 11.04.2018
Количество просмотров: 466
Страна: Россия
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