Nationwide Disinfection Services Provided By Sanitize Professional Network To Stop The Spread Of COVID-19
Since its outbreak in China in December last year, the novel coronavirus — the virus causing the highly infectious Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) — has put the world on a standstill; the everyday life we have known has dramatically changed.
During these challenging times, cleaning companies that provide disinfection services and sanitization services have never been more relevant in terms of stopping the spreading of the virus. In this light, a network of cleaning experts (whose services can be accessed via santiizeandclean.com) is adding a new service that offers the disinfection of one’s property to help minimize the number of COVID-19 cases in the country.
What You Need To Know About COVID-19
COVID-19 is caused by a new strain of coronavirus, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Its symptoms include fever, dry cough, tiredness, and difficulty breathing.
The COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets. People can be infected via direct contact (wherein droplets from an infected person gets carried to another person via sneezing or coughing) and indirect contact
(wherein a person gets exposed to an immediate environment where an infected person’s droplets may have landed). It can last on different surfaces anywhere from a few hours to even five days.
As of writing time, there are approximately 2.5 million COVID-19 cases recorded in 201 countries and territories. The United States currently tops the list of most cases with nearly 800,000 (approximately 680,000 of which are active, with around 42,500 deaths and 72,400 recoveries).
Why Hire Professional Disinfection and Sanitization Services
Apart from staying at home, hand-washing for 20 to 30 seconds, and maintaining a distance of one meter apart if you are to meet other people outside, experts recommend sanitizing your property and belongings on a regular basis.
While regular cleaning removes dirt and other debris, sanitizing and disinfecting are processes that involve getting rid of microorganisms that can put your and your loved ones’ health at risk. Here are the best reasons why you should hire professional disinfection and sanitization services.
Approved products. When you hire professionals, it is guaranteed that the products they will use to disinfect your home or your business are EPA-registered and CDC-approved. These products together with the high-quality equipment they use ensure a clean and healthy environment for you, your loved ones, and your customers.
Knowledge and expertise. As the COVID-19 virus and other harmful microorganisms cannot be seen by the naked eye, simple wiping and vacuuming are most likely to be insufficient. And if you have disinfecting agents at hand, knowing how to properly and effectively use them can prove to be challenging. Save time and resources by tapping into a professional’s expertise in this area.
Availability and consistency. Professional cleaning companies ensure they deliver their services in a prompt and consistent manner. If you have emergency disinfection needs, you can count on them and expect them to help you out wherever you may be in the country.
Want to help stop the spread of COVID-19? Hire professional sanitization and disinfection services; visit www.santiizeandclean.com for more information.
Контактное лицо: Disinfection Services
Компания: Sanitize Network Of Professionals
Добавлен: 21:27, 27.04.2020
Количество просмотров: 353
Страна: Россия