Manage Your Storage Devices with Active@ Partition Manager
LSoft Technologies presents version 6.0 of its lightweight, standalone application Active@ Partition Manager. This freeware application provides the tools you need to manage your hard drive partitions, create new ones, delete and format old partitions and resize existing ones. Best of all, it allows you to manage all your partitions from within your operating system, so there is no need to restart the computer or boot up from a separate boot disk. Most changes to your hard drive configuration take place immediately. The latest edition has been improved in a variety of ways, including to provide better support for high-resolution displays, improved GPT volume formatting and management and numerous GUI tweaks and bug fixes.
Why Do You Need a Partition Manager?
With today's storage devices getting larger all the time, it becomes more important to have a system in place to better keep track of all your apps files and folders. Dividing a single physical hard drive into multiple partitions that each operate like individual drives is a great way to keep everything organized. For example, you might have a partition for your operating system and main applications and another for your personal files and yet another for your movie and music collections.
Another important advantage of having multiple partitions is that it lets you run multiple operating systems on the same drive and computer. To that end, Active@ Partition Manager supports the full range of file systems used by Windows, Linux, OSX and various other operating systems. Find out for yourself the benefits of using a partition manager by visiting http://www.pcdisk.com/ and downloading the program for free today.
Контактное лицо: LSoft Technologies
Компания: LSoft Technologies Inc.
Добавлен: 16:50, 16.03.2018
Количество просмотров: 630
Страна: США
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