ACEX member in Kazan Moves to Innopolis, New IT Capital of Russia
Member of ACEX in Kazan presents its project on logistic business process automatization for Innopolis. PSG opened a new subdivision “IT-PSG” in April 2016. It is aimed at search, formation and implementation of modern IT solutions for external goals of the company and for the clients. One of IT-PSG goals for 2017 is to develop a new project on movement to Innopolis. IT-PSG will defend the project called “Creation of IT solutions for automation of business processes”. The company is developing solution for freight forwarding at present. According to Rustem Mukhamadiev, the head of IT-PSG, this information system provides box solutions to carry out complicated multimodal transportations starting with a receipt of inquiry and finishing with accomplished order and service maintenance of the client. This solution makes it easy to optimize processes for individual demands of the forwarder, thinks Rustem Mukhamadiev. The solution contains: • Developed electronic regulations for business processes, namely: job descriptions, process regulations, description of document circulation with samples, system of goals and indicators for measurement of quality of the process implementation. • Automated business processes of cargo forwarding. The system receives data on client inquiries, informs about implementation of the processes, forms required documents under prepared samples, stores data and forms analytics with processes, exchanges data with other information systems (for example, 1C). • Unified base with industry expertise to decrease time for search and data analysis. PSG plans to finalize the decision improving each operation and minimizing participation of the human being while implementation of business process, creating “artificial intelligence” for freight forwarding companies. For example, the system will be able to develop commercial proposal based on previous experience receiving information from data base and offer the best options on its own. IT-PSG team consists of 5 specialists. The advantage of working in Innopolis is mainly human resources. University work, as well as affordable lease of qualitative accommodation, attract specialists from all over the world. Since the main value of IT company is “brain” the access to the best personnel is the main criterion of success. That is why Rustem Mukhamadiev considers that the receipt of Innopolis resident status is a strategically correct decision. The project will be defended in spring (March-April). Then IT-PSG plans to improve the decision with help of Innopolis specialists. Reference information Innopolis is the high-tech city officially opened in 2015. It was built for the purpose of creation of the Russian IT center where the best innovative solutions are developed. There is a “Special economic zone” (SEZ) and “Innopolis University” in the territory. SEZ provides tax remissions and a first-class infrastructure for IT companies at lower prices. Innopolis resident status can be received by IT company which creates high-tech decisions interesting from commercial point of view.
Details at http://www.acexgroup.net/en/partners/news/1671/
ACEX Alliance press center pr@acex.net Website: http://www.acexgroup.net/en/
Контактное лицо: ACEX Alliance Press Center
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 11:49, 12.05.2017
Количество просмотров: 568
Страна: Россия
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